Badania naukowe

Quality management in project

Mon, 04/24/2023 - 19:48

This scientific book sheds light on the crucial aspect of quality management in projects, which has been emphasized in standards and publications for years. However, research indicates that the practical implementation of quality management falls short of the declarations made by standards authors. Often, project managers prioritize exceeding budgets, adhering to schedules or dealing with unexpected issues over quality management due to time constraints.

This monograph stems from extensive research that aimed to identify existing solutions and develop a coherent concept of quality management in projects. The research also endeavoured to integrate various quality management schools and project management approaches to isolate good practices, irrespective of their origin.

Visegrad Grant in our Department

Thu, 01/12/2023 - 14:40

Together with our partners from Technical University in Kosice (Slovakia) and Thomas Bata University in Zlin (Czechia), we start the international project Improving quality management teaching in the era of Industry 4.0

The project provides for scientific research, study visits, seminars, and courses for academic teachers, doctoral students and students. The project will take 18 months to complete. More info is available on the project website.

Methodology of designing of organizational systems of enterprise

Organizational system is a composition of tangible and intangible components that meet the structural, process, coordination and motivation functions. These functions implement the individuals, groups, or teams in the company. Rich legacy of organizational systems design methodology reflects the diversity of contemporary management issues. These problems concern the functioning of the entire company and its subsystems include technical, economic and organizational ones.

Understanding the Key Quality Factors in Construction Projects—A Systematic Literature Review

Fri, 12/11/2020 - 16:47

Project management frameworks describe the preferred approaches to project quality management, as well as applicable methods and tools. Despite this, quality problems in the construction project are still widespread. This study aimed to identify crucial quality-related factors in construction project management and find relations between them, to help researchers and project managers better respond to quality issues. 

Current research projects

We currently conduct the following research:

Methodology of enterprise organizational systems design

The project is funded by the National Science Centre. We encourage companies to cooperate with us in the diagnosis of the methods used in the design and implementation of organizational change and project management.

See also: preliminary survey

Sławomir Wawak Sun, 05/12/2013 - 10:36